Changes in the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) mean it’s getting harder for businesses to maintain the search engine rankings of their websites. Updates like Panda, Penguin and the more recent Hummingbird mean that the old ways of ‘tricking’ the search engines into displaying you at position 1 are well and truly gone.

Personally I think this is great! Those old ‘black hat’ practices did not give the searcher what they wanted and so are rightly being outlawed one by one.

Google search results are all about delivering the best results for the user. You need to optimise your whole web presence. If you want to rank well you need to invest in long term best practice SEO using content and social. This is a great combination and one we call AdaptiveSEO™

There’s a great article by Krista LaRiviere here that talks about why the definition of SEO needs to change.

Here are our 5 tips for an effective AdaptiveSEO™ strategy

1. Keyword and competitive Research

Comprehensive keyword research is at the heart of every successful SEO strategy. You need to discover which non branded keywords convert well in addition to your branded ones. Consider looking at the non branded keywords your competitors are ranking for.

2. Get the technical SEO basics right
The technical basics need to be in place on your website right from the start. Site structure, load speed and user experience all play their part in how the search engines rank your site. Responsive design has become a major factor on search results delivered on mobile devices.

3. Optimize your content marketing
For AdaptiveSEO™ to be successful, you must include content marketing. You need to produce regular, relevant, quality content optimised for the search terms you want to rank for. Give your target audience the information about you they need to make that buying decision. Help your target audience through the buying process.

4. Publish, Share and Socialise
Publish your content and then make sure you share and distribute it through your social channels. The social signals produced from social media channels can improve your chances of being found. Using social channels can also spread your content far and wide.

5. Measure and improve
Regular review and analysis of the data is critical. Set benchmarks and review your results. The data relating to your search rank position, backlinks, organic visits, social signals and conversions are all essential to you making the right decisions. Keeping an eye on what’s happening with the data will help you decide what should happen next in your search strategy.

You may already be changing your approach to SEO, but if not then you could find yourself slipping further and further down the search rankings. Taking an AdaptiveSEO™ approach will give your business the best chance of staying on Google’s radar.

If you want to move to an AdapativeSEO™ strategy and need help or more information, get in touch.

Did your business drop off Google’s radar following an update? What have you started doing to get yourself back on track?

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  • robthomasuk

    Great article and Video Nadine – The SEO world has been rocked in the last 12 months and it’s vitally important business owners wake up to the fact that the good news is, if you do the right things the right way, you will now get rewarded. The bad news it’s hard work!! But then again, it’s the same in life, you usually get out what you put in!!

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